*** Gubelin's criteria for pigeon-blood red colour call on ruby:
Traders and privates aiming for the very best rubies are aware of the impact that the term 'pigeon-blood red' on their gem report can make. We are asked constantly about the criteria that Gubelin Gem Lab applies to rubies in order for the highly sought-after trade colour to be mentioned in a report. Here are the guidelines: first and most importantly, the hue of the stone must fit in the strictly defined range given by our master stones, ranging from pure red to red with a minute purplish modifier; further, pigeon-blood red candidates must possess a saturated colour and medium tone. Just a small number of untreated, natural rubies of good quality can qualify: only a few, small eye-visible fractures are allowed, they must be free of eye-visible opaque or dark inclusions, with high transparency, homogeneous colour and colour distribution, and with only minor windowing or extinction. Originally coined for the best rubies from Mogok, Burma, pigeon-blood red implies what the late Dr. Eduard Gubelin described as “…the gorgeous glowing colour of smoldering red fire beneath its shining, lacquer-like surface (…) the crown of all the beauty, the noblest and most precious nuance is pigeon blood red, a saturated shade of carmine red. The more glowing, the more vivid is the red sparkle, the choicer and more costly is the ruby.” Based on his reference to that inner glow, we test each ruby carefully for its medium to high fluorescence excited under a wavelength of 365nm. Gubelin Gem Lab does not apply any restrictions to the country of origin; however, so far we have not come across any rubies from outside Burma that fulfil all criteria.
In summary, the term pigeon-blood red as defined by Gubelin is much more than just a specific hue; it is a mark of distinction for which only a small number of rubies qualify.