First, it is crucial to learn as how Ametrine comes into existence naturally. When quartz containing high iron impurities is exposed to different temperatures it results in oxidation. The 50% of the quartz bears high temperature on its surface while rest 50% slightly cool temperature. In this way quartz balances the two extreme temperature intensity at the time of crystallization. Thus, two different colours are produced and Ametrine is formed. This process occurs rarely and so is genuine Ametrine.
A mine known as Rio Grande do Sul at Brazil is said to produce this beautiful gemstone first. Now, natural Ametrine is procured from only one mine in the world that is Anahi Mine at Bolivia. In any case Ametrine from Bolivia is more valuable than the one obtained from Brazil. However, there are many in genuine gemstones sold as Ametrine in the market. These are synthetic Ametrine that are produced in Russia. Basically it is simulated amethyst. Half of amethyst gemstone, purple in colour is heated with yellow heat/light to produce yellow colour of citrine. These synthetic gems look quite identical to the natural Ametrine. The buyers can identify the true stone on the basis of colour, clarity, cut and carat weight.
据说巴西的Rio Grande do Sul矿洞首先发现这种美丽宝石。现在全世界的天然紫黄晶都产自唯一的玻利维亚Anahi矿区。任何情况下,出自玻利维亚的紫黄晶都比产自巴西的更有价值。然而市场上有许多挂着紫黄晶名义销售的其他宝石,这些是俄国出产的人造紫黄晶。根本上这是人工处理的紫水晶,紫水晶的一半被黄热/光加热后产生黄水晶的黄色。这些假造紫黄晶和天然的看上去非常相似。顾客可以基于颜色,净度,切割和克拉重量区分天然紫黄晶。