1.Erdmannsdörfer, O.H. (1908) Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft Band 60, 32-35
2.《Magic World:Inclushins in Quartz》(2003)
"Fossil fungi in iron stromatolites from Warstein (Rhenish Massif, Northwestern Germany) Zeitschrift Facies Verlag Springer Berlin / Heidelberg ISSN 0172-9179 (Print) 1612-4820 (Online) Heft Volume 7, Number 1 / Dezember 1982 DOI 10.1007/BF02537228 Seiten 237-259 Fossil iron stromatolites, formed by fungi, have been found near Warstein, W. Germany. The stromatolitic and massive ferruginous quartzes are always confined to karstic hollow molds of the Devonian "Massenkalk". The few occurrences show that these are chalcedony-quartz-silicifations of mainly ac-oriented, corrosively widened cracks. A mineralization temperature of about 120°C was found by microthermometrical measurements. Druses in ferruginous quartz sometimes carry clear, prismatic to pseudocubic quartzes embedding fungal mycelia. The fungal filaments are generally encrusted with goethite and appear in stromatolitic, massive and patch-like forms. An Oligocene/Miocene age is presumed ... "