University analogy 以大学来比喻
IGI and EGL are like large statewide universities. IGI和EGL好像大型州立大学。
GIA is Ivy League, and AGS is like the MIT rocket-science program. GIA好像常春藤盟校,AGS好像麻省理工火箭研发专业
A polisher or manufacturer sends each diamond (student) to the place it will get the best grade (earn more $). 制造商们把钻石(学生)送去各实验室以获得最好评级(赚取更多的钱)
The good to average go to the large universities (IGI/EGL). 一般般的学生去了一般大学(IGI\EGL)
The better ones are sent to the Ivy League (GIA / HRD) and a few nerds go to MIT (AGS). 更好的学生去了常春藤盟校(GIA\HRD),顶级学究去了麻省理工(AGS)
Drop outs end up in a ‘program’ at a chain store or Joe's Bar & Grading Lab. 辍学不入流的只能去地方民办项目了。
This fun analogy underplays complex factors such as a cutters specialty and client base and a dealers target market. 这个有趣的比喻没有包含各类复杂因素,如切割者,顾客群和面向的市场