Margo Raffaelli 顶级藏品 206.09cts 祖母绿

For more than three decades insiders of the jewelry world have been composing legends about the treasures of the Hadjibay family; for second and third generations the family has been running the house of BAYCO. Their rare sapphires weighing over 50 cts, as pure as tear “old mine” emeralds (found more than two-hundred years ago), weighing over 10 cts; and their stunning rubies weighing over 5 cts are a coveted acquisition of even the most demanding collectors. However, just a few people know that in 2012 the BAYCO collection was enriched by a treasure, that can only really be compared with the Hope blue diamond – the Colombian Imperial emerald of exceptional color and clarity, weighting in at an astounding 206.09 cts.
The yield from a rough emerald to be cut and polished is about 20 to 25 percent, so we can safely assume that the uncut mineral weighed between 800 and 1000 carats. According to Moris Hadjibay, co-owner and co-president of the company, “The Imperial” is the most perfect precious stone ever acquired by his father Amir Hadjibay. The mineral was discovered in the Colombian Muzo mine, and spent more than forty years in the hands of European collectors. When the previous owner decided to put a stone on sale, the Hadjibay family were the first to whom it was offered.
“The Imperial” is nowhere near the largest cut emerald in the world; the primacy belongs to a mineral of 57,500 carats (11.5 kg), found in Colombia and cut in India a couple of years ago, but has no other outstanding characteristics other than its size. In its contrast BAYCO’s emerald is almost crystal clear (there is only one small inclusion), without a trace of treatment, has a reference color, and thanks to the perfect crystal structure, is beautifully shiny. Therefore it is only just that “The Imperial” can be called the largest emerald of exceptional quality in the world. American Gem Laboratories, the Gemological Institute of America, and Gübelin, three of the most reputable companies for evaluating gemstones in the world, not only confirmed the uniqueness of the stone, but also released books about it. It is such an honor awarded only to the rarest stones in the world, and the most outstanding in their category
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