


Treatments - It is important to know that a major portion of the cut Rubellite stones on the market have been heated and irradiated. This is a very common practice and is very widely done and often not disclosed in the market, in my opinion. 处理——市场上大部分红宝碧玺都是加热和辐射处理过的,在我看来这种情况非常普遍,而且通常不会告知消费者。

What the commercial cutting houses do is buy lower color and grades of Tourmaline and cut it. Once it is cut they heat the cut stones to very high temperatures, which depending on the mine, turns the cut Tourmaline stone colorless. Once they have the stones colorless they irradiate (nuke) the stones which makes them turn Rubellite/red. These stones are usually sold by the "Don't ask, don't tell..." method and the treatments are often not even mentioned, unless the customer is educated enough to ask the correct questions. 切割公司买来低质量的碧玺材料,把它们切割好之后进行高温加热,使碧玺变成无色,然后再对无色的碧玺进行辐射处理,使它们变成红宝色。这些石头在销售的时候一般都不会提及处理方法,除非消费者具备足够的知识去问及其处理方法。

发布于 2012-06-08 20:21:05
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