lotus Gemology warns that oiled rubies, sapphires and spinels are entering the Bangkok wholesale market in increasing numbers. Most, but not all, of these gems are originating from Burma.
Over the past few months gemologists at Bangkok's Lotus Gemology have noticed a disturbing increase in the number of gems submitted for testing that have been subjected to fissure filling with oils/resins. This situation has now reached the stage where a trade warning is in order.
We believe this speaks volumes, suggesting that at the Bangkok wholesale trade level, both sellers and buyers are unaware their goods have been oil/resin treated. Thus the purpose of this trade alert is to inform buyers so they can make educated decisions. At the same time, we want to inform sellers that they may have a problem with their suppliers, who have not properly informed them of the treatments applied to the gems purchased. Finally, we believe it's important to inform gemologists around the world to be on the lookout for an enhancement that they might not be fully aware of.
莲花实验室是业内著名专家richard hughes建立的,著有ruby&sapphire一书。可以说是超级权威的人。他发现现在缅甸产地的红蓝宝,尖晶,甚至碧玺有大量的注油现象。提醒买卖双方都注意。很多时候连中间商也并不知道自己的货是否注油了。