

Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Shapur II, the Great - Sassanid King of the Persian Empire - 309-379 A.D.
Silver Drachm 22mm (3.90 grams) Mint IX (Kabul)
Struck circa 320-379 A.D.
Reference: Numismatic Art of Persia, The Sunrise Collection #847
Bust right, wearin with korymbos and inner ribbon.
Fire altar with ribbon and bust right in flames; flanked by two attendants, each wearin with korymbos.
You are bidding on the exact item pictured, provided with a Certificate of Authenticity and Lifetime Guarantee of Authenticity. Shapur II the Great, was the ninth King of the Persian Sassanid Empire from 309 to 379 and son of Hormizd II. During his long reign, the Sassanid Empire saw its first golden era since the reign of Shapur I (241–272). His name is sometimes given in English as "Shahpour" or "Sapor".
Early childhoodWhen King Hormizd II (302–309) died, Persian nobles killed his eldest son, blinded the second, and imprisoned the third (Hormizd, who afterwards escaped to the Roman Empire). The throne was reserved for the unborn child of one of the wives of Hormizd II. It is said that Shapur II may have been the only king in history to be crowned in utero: the crown was placed upon his mother's belly. This child, named Shapur, was therefore born king; the government was conducted by his mother and the magnates.

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发布于 2013-07-04 14:55:40
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引用11楼 炼金师 九谷烧不少的,但是这个基本是孤品了。这是出口的精瓷,主题...


引用18楼 神秘人士 又来了。。馋银。。


引用20楼 神秘人士 还没看到。。天太热俺在喝三十年的老安茶。。



引用24楼 神秘人士 要真是80年代的普洱也挺厉害的,我要了。。俺老公可是国家一级...

