

1、天然琥珀Amber, natural amber (succinite): natural amber, subject only to mechanical treatment (for instance: grinding, cutting, turning and polishing) without any change to its natural properties.琥珀,天然琥珀:只对琥珀进行机械处理(比如:打磨、切割、车床冲形和抛光),没有改变任何的自然属性。2、改良(优化)琥珀Improved amber (succinite): semi-finished products or products of Baltic amber, in which changes to its physical properties, including clarity and colour, have been artificially induced using thermal treatment.改良(优化)琥珀:通过人工的方式对琥珀成品或半成品,采用热处理的方式,使透明度和颜色等物理性质发生的改变。3、再生(压合)琥珀Reconstructed (pressed) Baltic amber: gemstone made of small amber grains and/or amber meal pressed in high temperatures and under high pressure without additional components.再生(压合)琥珀:在不添加其它成分的情况下,在高温高压的环境下,把琥珀碎块和(或者)琥珀粉压合成大块的琥珀。4、琥珀仿品Amber (succinite) imitations: materials,semi-finished products or products made of substances similar in appearance to Baltic amber (succinite), but with different physical and chemical properties. Any unlabelled imitation is a forgery.琥珀仿制品:原料、成品、或者半成品采用的是理化性质与琥珀不同的非琥珀,而没有任何的标注、说明的是仿制品。5、备注Note: In order to underscore or change the natural colour of amber, it is permissible to use foil or flakes made of precious metals and colour backdrops made of enamel or paint in jewellery products decorated with Baltic amber (succinite) gemstones.备注:为了突显或改变琥珀的天然颜色,允许在珠宝首饰中使用贵金属片、搪瓷、油漆、做为有色背景来修饰琥珀。目前,在国内琥珀行业,天然琥珀、优化琥珀属于真琥珀,在销售时可以不做任何的标注,在鉴定机构出具的也是真琥珀的鉴定结果。压制琥珀需要标注,不能等同于天然琥珀,在鉴定机构出具的鉴定结果也会进行标注。仿制品是其它物质,是假冒琥珀。

发布于 2013-07-21 14:25:04
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引用1楼 tutuhuhu 长知识啦
引用3楼 垚竹 学习了
引用2楼 神秘人士 这个好,比起好多明明白地一塌糊涂还冒充大师的好多了。有理论,...