


XIX. Traitement du Spinelle :

- Violet => Jaune.
- Rouge => Rouge plus intense.

早在2005年,业内就有担心唯一的净土---尖晶会被优化处理,于是GIA在2009年出了一份报告《Distinguishing Heated Spinels from Unheated Natural Spinels and from Synthetic Spinels》
Natural spinels are found in colors equal to those of fine rubies or sapphires, and
since top quality spinels are one of the few ‘better known’ gems to have so far
escaped the attention of large scale treatment processes; they are gaining a greater
commercial importance. However, it would appear that at least some heat treated
natural spinels are on the market and therefore it is important that criteria be
established for the separation of the treated from the natural material. This paper
reviews, confirms, and extends the original identification criteria developed during
experiments carried out in 2005 on pink to red spinel from Tanzania and applies
these criteria to a wide variety of spinels from a variety of sources.

Unheated natural spinel is easily separated from heated natural spinel or synthetic
spinel by examining the width of the 405 cm
Raman line, or by examining the width
of the zero phonon line of the Cr
PL spectrum in stones containing sufficient
chromium. Separating inclusion free heated natural spinel from some synthetic
spinels requires examining the trace element chemistry with EDXRF and LA‐ICP‐MS
where the differences become quite clear. These techniques have been in routine
use in GIA’s laboratories for well over a year. Further and more comprehensive data
will be published as research continues.
We would like to thank Hans‐Georg Wild, Markus Wild and Gamini Zoysa for
providing a wide variety of rough spinel for this research. In addition we would like
to thank Milan Kokta and Jennifer Stone‐Sundberg of St. Gobain Crystals and
Detectors for a much appreciated tutorial on synthetic spinel.

As an ending note, it is unfortunate
that as a gemstone which has
traditionally been exempt from
controversy involving treatment,
spinel must now be added to the long
list of gemstones that may be heated.
Furthermore, this is another reminder
that as gemologists, we can no longer
take any gem for granted as being
In terms of treatments to Spinels, they can be oiled, there's new evidence that some are being diffused and black spinel may even be coated! Here's a couple of articles on the heat treatment of spinels. I'm not sure if there is much of a price difference between unheated and heated spinel. If there is, I wouldn't think it would be much as these are more "collector" stones than one that Joe Public will rush into a jeweller and ask about.

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发布于 2013-03-25 02:43:36
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